Sunday, February 26, 2012

Day 16: Jimmie's & Gary's Pepsi Coke Dive


Today we drove toward Charlotte to visit the animal farm.  We found out that the animal farm wasn't so friendly, so we ended up as consumers instead of nature lovers.  One thing about plans changing is that you end up finding a dive like this place.  YUM!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Day 15: The Golden Hour


Chelsey escaped her dorm room again this afternoon...

40 Outstanding Golden Hour Photos

Day 14: Spring Cleaning


Last night my niece helped me purge purge purge!  There were bags of skirts, bags of dresses, shoes, shorts, slippers and even some leather.  Now our closets are ready for Spring!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Day 13: World Travelers

Today both Brandon's passport and anniversary gift arrived!  This was exciting for us because his passport had been denied a few weeks ago and we had to go through the appeal process.  Sandy islands and blue water ahead!


Day 12: Randleman Goose


Day 12 is another missed day, so I am cheating again with a picture I took in November.  The geese in Randleman are actually friendly and can be found every day at the river.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Day 11: Southern Fried Mashed Potato Balls Ya'll

Tonight we visited pinterest and chose a recipe at random.  We made Southern friend mashed potato balls!



Day 10: K is for King

Yesterday our internet went down for the first time in twelve years!  Of course it is the one day of the week I have a deadline with homework.  Fortunately, my parents live nearby and their ISP saved the day.  My sweet friend gave us this "K" pail for being witnesses on her wedding day.  Maybe we can use it to store Easter jelly beans!


Sunday, February 19, 2012

Day 9: Snow


Snow in North Carolina - will any of us survive?  Snow in our county is like banana peels in a cartoon!  Yesterday it was so warm that we actually opened the windows and let the fresh air in.  Less than 24 hours later - we get the white stuff!  I'll admit that I looked through a few blogs on how to take pictures of falling snow.  In the dark of night - those tips didn't seem to be in my favor.  However - one tip (turn on your flash) - actually gave me this picture.  I NEVER use flash since I like to stay in manual mode - so this was a pleasant surprise.

Day 8: Movie Night

Movie Night consisted of candy, pizza, popcorn and soda.  This is not my favorite picture.  I think the ISO was too high and that's why the picture is so grainy.  Sometimes I appreciate that look, but going forward I'll save it for a museum and not for a brightly colored candy box.  This is the point of my 365 challenge - so I can learn how to and continue using my camera.  One interesting thing we found out is that Sugar Babies do not have chocolate - hum - did they ever?

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Day 7: More Christmas Bokeh


I missed Day 6 & 7 so I am cheating with two pictures I took during Christmas trying to capture bokeh.  My first attempts were terrible and dark.  I like the way these two turned out.  I found out it's all about depth!

Day 6: Christmas Bokeh

I missed Day 6 & 7 so I am cheating with two pictures I took during Christmas trying to capture bokeh.  My first attempts were terrible and dark.  I like the way these two turned out.  I found out it's all about depth!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Day 5: Rusty

The rusty metal bee hanging from our front porch looks different up close.  He has twelve years of Randleman rust.  I like him.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Day 4: Hospital Bed

A day at the hospital is exhausting.  People are sleeping in beds.  People are drooling on their neighbor's shoulders.  I am dreaming in the waiting room between loud ring tones and roll calls.  No one enjoys being in the hospital - this hospital bed just about sums it up!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Day 3: Happy Valentine's Day

My sweet husband fell asleep in his argyle sweater.  At least he left me with chocolate Turtles and a Happy Valentine's card!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Day 2: Non-Valentine's Day

I have an old passion for antique wooden purses, even though I never carry a purse.  I also have a least favorite holiday, which is Valentine's Day.  Today my husband and I celebrated a non-Valentine's Day and my favorite dark wooden purse came along.  It sums up our adventure today.


Saturday, February 11, 2012

Day 1: A photo of me

Me: Blue eyes, brown/gray hair, stubborn, open-minded, wrinkled hands, loves pickles, dirty feet, married to my best friend, has a niece that spells her name with a Y, Danish, English, Irish, German, Native Cherokee, Norwegian, Scottish.  I just started back to school after seven years and realized I haven't picked up my camera since.  This motivated me to start a 365 photo challenge.
