Monday, May 28, 2012

Day 107: Disc Dog

Watching the disc dogs fly through the air was the most exciting thing of the day for me!  All of the dogs were so happy and ready to catch the next disc.  I could have watched them all day!

Day 106: Hot Air Color

I faced my fear of heights today, but stayed on the ground.  We watched 80+ hot air balloons get stretched, pulled and filled until they took off into the blue.  I felt like a little kid watching them and jumping.  "LOOK AT THAT ONE - LOOK OVER THERE!" It was a wonderful day!

Day 105: Jake Owen

Today we saw Jake Owen.  He reminds me of a dark-haired Keith Urban.  We had front row and was able to watch his band set up for the day.  ...what a cutie!

Day 104: Watermelon Queen

In her little green dress, watermelon sash and plate of green and red, everyone was happy to see the watermelon queen!

Day 103: Dharma Vans

 Tonight my niece and I painted VW vans!  I should have painted mine blue so it would look like the Dharma van.  Ever since she was six years old, my niece has loved yellow VWs, so this was definitely a fun painting for her!  Mine looks like a girl bus with eyeballs and hers looks like a yellow Mack truck.  They are pretty awesome!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Day 102: Tree Walking

Today I was invited to fly through the trees and had a great time facing my fear of heights!  We zipped from tree to tree and walked up bouncy air walks. 

Day 101: Country Clouds

Today we were driving in the country and pulled over to see a rainbow.  We found that the sky was even more beautiful than the rainbow.  The clouds and sky was dark, gray, baby blue, and white.  It was such a beautiful day!

Day 100: Goodbye Balfour School

Today we visited Brandon's elementary school.  It was built in 1926 and will be demolished tomorrow.  The classrooms were huge and had character.

Day 99: Daisy Buzz

 The cemeteries are filled with daisies and buttercups this time of the year. 

Day 98: Cemetery Lock

 For years we have wanted to visit this cemetery, but it has always been locked and ironically is surrounded by barbed wire.  We like to say it is to keep the zombies in and since some of Brandon's family is buried there we can say that.  haha

Day 97: Sweet Gardenias

My Gramaw's gardenias are finally starting to bloom.  There is such a sweet smell when you open the front door.  I love this time of year!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Day 96: Muddy River

The river was muddy from the storms, but it was still beautiful.

Day 95: Jumping Off Rock

Yesterday we visited Uwharrie National Forest and ended up in Ophir.  Ophir is the home of many things, with one being Jumping Off Rock.  We immediately felt dizzy and light headed before we even opened the car doors.  That was not our intention of visiting of course, but it definitely had an impact on us.  The storms from the week left the water high and muddy.  It was still beautiful. 

Day 94: Powdered Sugar

We enjoyed a sweet funnel cake at the festival this weekend. Powdered sugar makes everything better!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Day 93: Werewolves Beware

Silver earrings waiting to go home with me!

Day 92: Pickin By The River

Today we visited Fries, VA for the Henry Whitter Festival by the New River.

Day 91: Power Talon

Power talon by the river - watch out!

Day 90: Lily Eyes

My niece and I painted lilies tonight for Mother's Day.

Day 89: Welcome to our Pharmhouse

It's the summer of concerts for us - we're ending it up on our five year anniversary with Phish!

Day 88: Angry Pigs

Someone in our house just started playing Angry Birds.  Yes, it really is that addictive!

Day 87: Miner Crossing

Apparently in  Gold Hill, miners don't have to use the public cross walk!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Day 86: Sunday Brunch

Today we visited Gold Hill to take my parents to brunch at the Stamp Mill Cafe.  We ate way too much, but loved every bite all the way to the blueberry pie.  Brunch is Sunday and the second meal is half off if you bring your church bulletin.

Day 85: Sandy Creek's Bible

The original Sandy Creek Baptist Church is still standing.  Inside you will find some of the original pews and original wood.  There is a pulpit with a bible and Primitive hymns.

Day 84: Mother of Baptist Churches

Today we visited Sandy Creek Baptist Church to locate the headstones for Brandon's York ancestors.   Sandy Creek is the "mother of Baptist Churches" and was formed in 1758.

Day 83: Gardenias Are Almost Here

My Gramaw's gardenias are budding!  I found a recipe in Our State this month for gardenia fritters.  Hopefully they will bloom soon!

Day 82: When You Speed

This is what happens when your husband gets his very first ticket and it is a speeding ticket.  Within two days, our mailbox was filled with attorney letters.  Hopefully since it took him thirty-five years, it will be to his benefit!

Day 81: The King

Richard Petty: Nascar driver, Randleman man, and  statue